A society without waste
Verdis is determined to conduct our business in accordance with the highest professional, ethical and legal standards. We want a society where resources are reused to the greatest extent possible and work towards the vision:
A society without waste.
Verdis DK is part of the Verdis Nordic Group, which collects and sorts waste that can be turned into new resources.
Waste management is one of the most important topics on the agenda around the world.
As natural resources become fewer, greater pressure is placed on society to protect the environment. This means that we have to find new methods to treat our waste.
It is no longer acceptable that we simply send waste to a landfill where it is buried. And luckily for that – because we can see that it pays to sort and recycle the waste.
As part of this critical industry, Verdis thus makes every effort to work in an environmentally responsible manner. Every year, we deliver many thousands of tonnes of waste to recycling facilities, where the transport of the waste is carried out by maintained trucks, which are increasingly powered by more environmentally friendly fuels such as electricity, gas and biofuel.